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7-Day Reboot

When is the last time you were intentional about playing, resting, spending time in silence, and thinking about your goals from a relaxed state? How about a reboot?  It is easy: It requires taking 7-days to clean the hard drive of your mind, taking a day or two to rest and play, revisiting your goals and then easing back into your work.  Do not miss the chance to reinvigorate yourself, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  Take the 7-Day Reboot.  You deserve it!  For more empowerment tools and ideas, stay connected to Dr. Kreslyn, Empowerment Coach on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.


30-Day Power-up Challenge

Do you often feel powerless and stuck in negative feelings?  Well, you can change that by shifting your attention to intention. This is how: commit to implementing strategies of intentional living for 30 days to find your inner-power again. Take the 30-Day Power-Up Challenge!  Then, stay connected to inspirational posts by following “Dr. Kreslyn, Empowerment Coach” on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.


28-Day PowerLiving Challenge

Are you feeling powered-up, but want to sustain what you’ve started with intentional living?  Great!  Because, living at this level also requires us to be authentic, courageous, tenacious and proactive.  This 28 Day Challenge: Tapping into Your Personal Power will help you do just that. It is filled with self-affirmations that you will speak to yourself every day for the next 28 days.  Remain empowered by making this commitment to yourself.  For more positive affirmations, stay connected to Dr. Kreslyn, Empowerment Coach on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.


Develop Your Vision

When you envision your life, you see new possibilities of the future.  Some people can envision their lives ten, twenty, and even fifty years from now; but, others struggle to see anything beyond their eyes.  That is why this exercise has been created.  It will help you develop your vision.

Writing Your Mission Statement

Everyone should know why they were sent or chose to come to earth.  There is a mission inside of each of us from which satisfaction comes.  What is yours?  Have you written your personal mission statement?  If not, here’s a tool to help you get it done. Enjoy!

S.M.A.R.T.3 Goals

Writing smart goals that make you feel good  will motivate you to stay the course in the achievement of those goals.   Therefore, the S.M.A.R.T.3  goals activity has been designed to help you do that. Simply, filter your goals through this exercise and be empowered by what you develop.



100 Words

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Do you remember when everyone kept a little black book? Whenever they felt down and in despair or maybe lonely and sad, they would go to the pocket-sized directory, which held countless phone numbers, and search for the one or two people who they knew could change how they felt in an instant. Well, this little black book is intended to have the same effect on you during your moments of disappointment, frustration, and other unwelcomed feelings. There are 100 word-themes, each word followed by a short, inspirational read. It is one you can keep in your nightstand drawer, purse, dash, or coat pocket to pull out at just the right time and receive the encouragement you need to get through the day or night. It can also serve as an inspiring devotional you choose to read every day. Either way, your heart will gain the attention you need during your emotional emergency.

Fret Not!


FRET NOT! was written to inspire you to rise up and take action against worry and empower you through faith to become victorious over your thought life! The 21 Day Devotional and Journal highlights much of what God's Word has to say about fretting and fearing evil doers, as found in Psalm 37. The open ended questions require reader engagement and challenges you to change, improve, grow, and find freedom. Enjoy the journey.

Fear Factor


I once heard it said, "You cannot conquer what you are not willing to confront." Is this the reason many of us are crippled by fear? Do you stand up to your fears? Do you even acknowledge them? If only people would face their fears, speak to them in faith and with authority, and demand that they turn them loose, then and only then could they begin to walk in the freedom they desire and deserve! Are you that person? Would you like to be free from debilitating fear? Well, now is your time! This 21 Day Devotional and Journal will lead you through the process of confronting your fears, defending your right to be free, while declaring your faith. It will be an ongoing process, but very much worth the journey.